Contact Us or Provide Feedback About Our Accessibility Plan
Capital One Canada welcomes feedback on accessibility, especially from people with disabilities. Before you provide feedback, we encourage you to read our Accessibility Plan for 2023 to 2026.
Contact us
Capital One Canada
Attention: Canada Accessibility Office
161 Bay Street, Suite 1800
Toronto, ON
M5J 2S1
Email address:
Telephone number: 1-800-481-3239
Responding to feedback
Feedback via mail, email or phone can be submitted anonymously or with contact information included. If the feedback includes contact information, it will be acknowledged within 5 business days and any immediate action resulting from the feedback will be communicated to the person who submitted the feedback.
Feedback submitted anonymously won't receive a response. All feedback related to accessibility will be captured in a central location for analysis and record-keeping. Feedback will be collected, considered and shared with the rest of the business by the Canada Accessibility Office. It will then be forwarded to relevant divisions when necessary. Feedback will be used to help identify, prevent and remove barriers in a timely manner.